DermaGlow Studio

Welcome to Dr. Wayne Smith’s West Vancouver Skin Care.
Our skin care specialists have been serving the West Vancouver community with top of the line technologies since 2002. At our cosmetic and laser clinic, Dr. Wayne Smith uses Botox and Dermal Fillers to restore your youthful facial contours.  These treatments can help reduce and soften creases and lines caused by frowning and squinting.

Dermal fillers such as Juviderm,Volumia , Ultraex plus with lidocaine, Perlane and Restylane can soften the lines around  your nose (nasal labial folds) and mouth (Marionette lines).  These products can also be used to soften or remove the lines on your lips that allow lipstick to ‘bleed’.  Restore the natural volume and proportions of your lips. The addition of Juviderm Volumia has allowed for the restoration of the profile of your receding cheek bones thus creating a ‘soft lift’. We also provide cosmetic preparations including Latisse that will help restore your eye lashes to the thick long lashes of your youth.

Are you looking for a way to lose stubborn fat and sculpt your body without invasive surgical procedures? Try SculpSure®, the first FDA-approved laser procedure for safe, effective fat destruction. SculpSure is the newest generation technology in non-invasive body contouring and gaining in popularity every day.  This treatment has a patient satisfaction rate of over 90%.

Please contact us for a complimentary consultation and review of your personal requirements. We would be pleased to assist you on the path of looking and feeling better about yourself!

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