5th Annual Spring Living Fair

Event Details

Heritage Hall

Ethical Choices

Sustainability, carbon neutral, green, eco-friendly, local, fair trade, organic… What does it all mean? How does it all tie together? What difference can I make? Just ten years ago, most of us didn’t even consider such questions. Now, it seems to be the only thing we hear about. And for good reason. The health and social benefits of living a sustainable and conscious lifestyle are everywhere.

Indeed, our generation is part of a fundamental shift. We’ve realized that we must reconsider the impact of our lifestyles. That we must actively, and consciously pursue alternatives.

At the 5th annual Spring Living Fair, you’ll find a refreshing mix of local, sustainable and eco-friendly exhibitors who have devoted their lives to making your decision to live ethically, a little easier. Mark your calendars for Sunday April 1, 2012. Your welcome to join us and a huge vairety of exhibitors from throughout our community at the Heritage Hall on Main Street.



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