BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

938 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC

About BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

child care, emergency, hospital

Since 1982, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation has worked with children, families, caregivers and hundreds of thousands of British Columbians to raise funds to support BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the Child & Family Research Institute. BC Children’s Hospital Foundation also works with Sunny Hill’s Board of Directors to manage the Sunny Hill Foundation for Children.

Through a wide range of fundraising events and opportunities, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation is united with its donors by a single, simple passion – to improve the health and the lives of the young people who enter BC Children’s Hospital every day.

Last year, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation received donations from more than 150,000 people and had revenues of over $83 million. Please donate today and save and improve children’s lives!


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