Preventing Cancer by Reducing Inflammation
With Dr. Seema Kanwal, BSc, ND
Date/Time: September 29th, 2011 6pm – 7pm
Admission: $10 per seat, reserve your seat today
Cancer can’t always be prevented or cured. Fortunately, there are many more answers out there today about cancer then there were 50 years ago and research is giving us more answers daily.
In fact, recent cancer research is revealing that reducing inflammation may help to prevent various types of cancer.
With this interesting and exciting topic, Dr. Seema Kanwal will inform us on how and why reducing inflammation can help prevent cancer and what we can do about it. Information like this can be very powerful, especially with regards to a life changing event like cancer. So come out, join us and get informed!
Admission is $10 per seat. Seating is Limited.
Please contact INFOFIT to reserve yours today.