In Level 1 we begin to understand what it means to truly create our life as we desire it. This class will give you even greater awareness of infinite being and infinite choice. You will discover “What Else is Possible?®” in ways you never imagined!
After this class it becomes possible to have relationships with people that are rewarding (including the relationship we have with ourselves!). We also become aware of what it means to truly create our life as we desire it. What if you could generate anything you desire with ease? Money, sex and contribution to the earth are just the start!
The Foundation and Level One classes may be run together or separately by Certified Access Consciousness® Facilitators. You will get practical, real life tools including some hands-on body processes. The greatest potency is the ability to change and transform anything and everything.
Duration: 2 days
Pre-requisites: Access Bars and Foundation
Cost: $600
REPEAT PRICE – Any time you wish to take the Bars class again, you will pay half of the first time price!
Kids 16, 17, 18 – half price
Kids 15 and under – FREE when attending with a paying adult or at the arrangement/discretion of the facilitator
For more information or questions, please contact
Daria Hanson 250-575-3951
Karlina van der Weij 604-987-7271
[custom name=”address” value=”908 Berkley Road, North Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Karlina van der Weij”]
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[custom name=”end_date” value=”20140217″]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”5:30 pm”]
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[custom name=”phone” value=”604-987-7271″]
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