Ballet Russe BC Studio Company Presents: Coppelia at the Kay Meek Centre West Vancouver

Event Details

Kay Meek Centre

The BALLET RUSSE BC STUDIO COMPANY is thrilled to present Coppélia – a full length comic ballet in three acts with music of Léo Delibes, originally choreographed by Arthur Saint-Léon, libretto by Charles-Louis-Étienne Nuitter.

Featuring Studio Company members with a special guest appearances by professional dancers – we hope you’ll join us for this spectacular evening of dance and entertainment for all ages!

Doctor Coppélius is putting the finishing touches on Coppélia (The Girl with the Enamel Eyes) after setting her out to dry on the balcony of his house. Coppélia appears to be reading a book.

She seems so real that Doctor Coppélius is, himself, almost unaware that she is only a doll. In his loneliness, the fanatical dollmaker has created Coppélia to be his companion and secretly dreams of discovering a way of bringing her to life.

For more information and to purchase your ticket please visit

Tickets are $35



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