Theatre without a net. No actors. No play. No script. Theatre for Living continues a 32-year legacy of innovation with a project about the corporate messages that live within our collective psyche.
Joked by: David Diamond
“Change our relationship to the messaging and we start to change our patterns of behaviour. Change our patterns of behaviour and sustain that change. . .” David Diamond
Vancouver Finale Locations
*All events at 7:00pm. All are admission by donation. Participation is completely voluntary. No one will be drug up on stage. Bring your experience and your curiosity!
*To save your seat please email
Dec 4 Gordon Neighbourhood House (1019 Broughton Street)/Community Partner: Gordon Neighbourhood House
Dec 5 Gallery Gachet (88 East Cordova Street)/Community Partner: Gallery Gachet
Dec 6 Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre (1607 East Hastings Street)/Community Partner: Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Dec 7 SFU Harbour Centre, Terasen Cinema (515 West Hastings Street)/Community Partner: SFPIRG
Dec 8 Café Deux Soleils (2096 Commercial Drive)/Community Partner: Theatre for Living Trainee Alumni
For more information about Corporations in our Head please contact:
604.871.0508 or
This event takes 2.5 to 3 hours. Relax, if you need to slip out come back-that’s ok.
The messages from corporations tell us hundreds of times a day, in ways we may not notice anymore, how to relate to each other and to ourselves; what to buy, how to feel, how to perceive and the kind of person to aspire to be. Can we use the theatre to become aware of these messages, and to change our relationships to them, to live healthier and more sustainable lives with each other, with ourselves, and with the planet? This project hopes to be more than just an investigation – we have a desire for Corporations in our Heads to move into transformative action! How? By making each event relevant, at a grassroots level, to each unique community in which it happens and for the local organizers to use that momentum to move forward on local community issues. Each event is the community’s creation. We are touring a process in which the whole evening of theatre emerges from the audience.
Sounds heavy, but it’s a great deal of fun!
See what people have been saying:
“Corporations in our Heads (was an) incredible theatre experience. David Diamond ignited the audience with questions about what it means to us when we allow ourselves to be inundated with corporate messages. (He) charmingly invited us to enter a metaphorical space where we look critically at the corporate “voice” that is created and occupies our thoughts. As an audience member, you will come away with a renewed appreciation and a more critical engagement with the corporate messages we are inundated with. It’s cathartic and provocative.” Roselyn Tam, Vancouver Observer
“Corporations in our Heads is an experience for you to participate in. What you will take away from is something that will make you think about how and why you buy things, how media affect you and how you might change your response to it. You will feel safe, engaged and energized by it. You have to be there to experience it and that makes this theatre of the purest kind. Go!” Jim Peskin, Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance
“Indeed it is theatre, as it is entertainment, but it is also intelligent, provocative and important. It makes you think as you are being entertained but it doesn’t easily let you off the hook.” Betty Gilgoff, BC Teachers for Peace and Global Education
[custom name=”address” value=”See locations in description, Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Mallory Gallant”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20131204″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”7:00 pm”]
[custom name=”end_date” value=”20131208″]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”10:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”Various across Vancouver. See locations in description.”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-871-0508″]
[custom name=”website” value=””]