Guerrilla Strategies for the Holiday Season!
With Dr. Seema Kanwal, BSc, ND
Date/Time: November 17th, 2011. 6pm – 7pm
Admission: $10 per seat – $5 two weeks in advance. Reserve your seat today!
Making it through the holidays in one piece is no easy feat. As one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year, your time and patience can be stretched to the limit which means your health and fitness routines can often be forgotten.
Did you know that making your fitness routine a priority during this season can actually ease the tension, reduce the stress and allow for a more restful sleep? It is true… and it can be done!
Come and hear Dr. Seema Kanwal’s creative strategies on how to manage your stress and your weight through this busy time of year, and how to stick with them.
Admission is $10 per seat – $5 two weeks in advance. Seating is limited.
Please contact INFOFIT to reserve yours today.
604-683-0785 or
To register online: