H’Arts for the Homeless 5th Annual Gala

In the House Productions is proud to present the Lookout Society’s annual gala fundraiser, H’Arts for the Homeless, an event inspired by those helped and supported by the Lookout Society.

Through circus, music, stories, dance and art, the gala will highlight the deep sense of relief and hope that a stable, safe home provides. H’Arts celebrates the joys, successes, untold strengths and stories of the residents, as well as the front-line workers who live and work at Lookout.

In the heart of Vancouver’s inner city lies The Imperial (formerly known as District 319), where this year’s Gala will be held on Thursday, October 3, from 6 – 9:30pm. The gala is our way of kicking off Homeless Action Week in a fun and memorable way.

Experience art installations telling the story of homelessness, delicious food, fantastic performers, live visual artists, a silent auction and, of course, the live auction with comedian David C. Jones as our auctioneer.

We are raising funds for the essential services and support necessary to bring solutions to homelessness in Greater Vancouver.

About Lookout Society

In 1971, a small group of caring people responded to homeless adults dying in the streets and asking for help. Their response was to reach out to these adults and offer beds and access to services to get people out of the crisis.

Today, Lookout has 19 buildings where we care for destitute and homeless adults and assist them as they transition out of homelessness.

Since its inception, our Supportive Housing has been 100% full, with minimal turnover and 2,222 people on a wait list.

Date: Thursday, October 3, 2013
Time: Doors at 5:30pm / Event 6 – 9:30 pm
Where: The Imperial (formerly District 319), 319 Main St., Vancouver

Tickets: $60

Tickets are available on-line at https://www.2mevents.com/index.php/event/h-arts-for-the-homeless-gala-2013/store

or by calling 604-255-0340

For more information about Lookout Society or H’Arts for the Homeless please visit www.lookoutsociety.ca

For more info on the event or sponsorship, contact Lookout at 604-255-0340

Sponsor the event. Your recognition includes mention on our advertising in the Vancouver Sun, on our web page, and at the event. Call 604-255-0340 to ask for a Sponsorship information package.

Silent Auction items are needed. Donate an item or service from your business or from social activities.

Donate funds! If public recognition isn’t important to you, this may be a great option! As a charitable organization, we will gladly send you a tax receipt for your donation.

[custom name=”address” value=”319 Main Street, Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Myriam”]
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[custom name=”event_date” value=”20131003″]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”The Imperial”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-874-9325″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”5:30 pm”]
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