Healing Day

Event Details

Local healers will team up with Paper Kite Children’s Foundation to host Healing Day, Saturday, May 28 at 1107 Seymour Street in Vancouver from 12:00AM to 5:00PM. Reiki, Naturopathic, Chiropractic, Heart Resonance Therapy and Akashic Records Treatments will be offered in 20-minute sessions throughout the day. All proceeds support Paper Kite Children’s Foundation, a 100% volunteer based charity that works to ensure basic necessities are available to the orphanages in the state of Bihar, India.To RSVP please call 778-893-953 or e-mail: paperkitekids@gmail.com. Please indicate the type of treatment you want along with your name, appointment time and telephone number. To learn more about Paper Kite Children’s Foundation visit our website, paperkitefoundation.com.



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