Helping Kids Make Wise Choices

Family Services of the North Shore presents:

Helping Kids Make Wise Choices

Sponsored by the North Shore Auto Mall
From Amean girls to social exclusion and sexual harassment, children and youth are called on to navigate challenging scenarios each day. Now more than ever, children need to learn the skills to respond assertively and with wisdom to difficult situations. Parents need new skills to protect, support and encourage their children to make good decisions.

Family Services of the North Shore proudly presents a dynamic and informative evening for parents, youth and professionals offering just that. With a combination of personal anecdotes, psychological theory and lively scenarios, Anita Roberts will introduce the audience to powerful ways to cope with the verbal, emotional and physical threats present in every day life.

The second half of the evening will be a question and answer period with Anita Roberts guided by West Vancouver Mayor, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones.

It is clearly not enough to say, don’t do drugs, abstain from sex/use condoms. We need to be able to teach our children how to negotiate these potentially life-altering moments — How to say, no and stay cool. How to walk away without giving up power. How to access the part of themselves that can make wise choices – even in the heat of the moment.

~ Anita Roberts

Helping Kids Make Wise Choices
Thursday, March 3, 2011 7:00PM

Tickets: $10
Kay Meek Centre Box Office: 604-913-3634

For more information:
Family Services of the North Shore
