My secret sky follows the journey of two young children as they travel from their rural village to the city after their mother’s death. Thembi aims to fulfill her mothers dream, but it is only when she reaches out to her little brother that she begins to find her own dream.
This movie is a story of hope about two young children who leave their rural homestead for the city when their mother dies, meeting up with other orphaned children, and ultimately triumphing over adversity through their courage and resilience.
The film touches on other African themes, e.g. indigenous arts and crafts, rural-urban migration, tradition and music but it does so through the emotional experiences of the two main characters, 10-year old Thembi and her 8 year old brother Khwezi. Izulu Lami/My Secret Sky touches on issues around child-headed homes, highlighting the challenge the film’s main character faces in being both child and adult, sister and mother, learner and worker for her little brother after they are orphaned. Izulu Lami/My Secret Sky is an uplifting and fresh approach to the lives of orphaned and vulnerable street children.
The film incorporates excellent cinematography with a powerful message and well developed characters and appealing visual imagery, leaving the viewer with a sense of hope.