KPU & Science World have partnered together to host a speaker series!
Next up:
Kent Mullinix – Building Sustainable Food Systems for the 21st Century: Life-science-based or ecologically intensive.
Kent Mullinix is Director, Institute for Sustainable Food Systems (ISFS) and is engaged in research and development to advance sustainable agriculture and food systems. Before joining ISFS, Mullinix held the Endowed Joint Chair in Pomology and was an Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State University. He was concurrently Professor and Director of Agriculture Programs at Wenatchee Valley College. Prior he was a horticulture research specialist (fruit and nut crops) for the Universities of Missouri, Minnesota and Kentucky. Additionally Mullinix is an Adjunct Professor in The Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia and serves on the editorial board for the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal.
A sustainable food system is the foundation of sustainable society and therefore must be realized. Agriculture and food systems in the 21st century will exist and operate in an economic, social, environment, and resource context very different from that in which our contemporary industrial food system came to dominate. Industrialization is not the only way to feed the world. Two competing agriculture-food system paradigms, “Life-Science Intensive” and “Ecologically Intensive”, claim the sustainability high ground and are battling it out. To inform critical and constructive thinking regarding an appropriate food system future, this presentation will assess outcomes of 20th century food system industrialization and factors and forces that are now and continually shaping our food system. A vision for advancing sustainable 21st century agri-food systems to address and adapt to environmental, social, and economic challenges will be presented.
Everyone is welcome to this free event!
For more information: