Everyone can learn to meditate! Come and learn how at these friendly, informal, informative meditation classes. The teacher is Western Buddhist nun, Gen Delek. Classes are every week from April 8 – June 17. You can drop in to just one or attend them all. $10 drop in or $40 for 5 classes
[custom name=”address” value=”1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Kelsang Delek”]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”12:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20130408″]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”West Vancouver Library”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-221-2271″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”10:30 am”]
[custom name=”website” value=”www.MeditateInVancouver.org”]