COHO Festival 2021

This year we are very proud to be able to present a remixed version of the Coho Festival. Highlights for this year are a Virtual Edition Coho Run/Walk. You can choose your distance and challenge yourself against some renowned athletes and noteworthy community leaders. Run or walk…everyone can participate! If you know a swimmer, share this info with them so they can join the event!

New this year is a very exciting Coho Treasure Hunt. In partnership with North Shore Culture Compass, participants discover clues along four interpretive walks. Gather your family or invite your friends – do one or all four! There are some great prizes for those who enter to win.

All net proceeds of this event go to Coho Society of the North Shore who provide support to local organizations in river and stream enhancement projects that benefit the sustainability of salmon and other fish.
September 1 – October 1.