Healthy Family Expo at the Vancouver Convention Centre – East Building

Looking for small steps and simple solutions to healthier, more active, eco-friendly living? Come and check out the Healthy Family Expo, with over 100 exhibitors and lots to do for all ages. Sample tasty treats in the Whole Foods Market Zone; take a Toyota hybrid vehicle for a test-drive; shop for fabulous eco-products; and enter to win $10,000 grand prize including a 1 ‘year lease on a Toyota Prius c! Dance along to Bobs & LoLo’s catchy tunes at 11 and 2, and visit the Active Kid Zone for wall climbing, giant hamster ball races, the TumbleBus, bouncy castles and other active fun. First 200 through the door get a child day ticket to the Sea to Sky Gondola! Buy advance tickets online or at Whole Foods Market or London Drugs!

For more information about this event please call us at 778-229-3843 or visit our website at

[custom name=”address” value=”999 Canada Place Way, Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Angela Santoro”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20150329″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”10:00 am”]
[custom name=”end_date” value=”000″]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”5:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”Vancouver Convention Centre (East Building)”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”778-229-3843″]
[custom name=”website” value=””]