Expand your Mind 8 Outstanding Citizens Sharing Their Ideas and Inspirations.
Don Alder – World Ranked Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitarist
Shari Graydon – Author, Journalist, Women’s Advocate
Ryan Holmes – CEO of Hootsuite
Myriam Laroche – Ecostylist and Founder of Eco Fashion Week
Matthew Soules – Director of Matthew Soules Architecture / Professor of Architecture at UBC
Peter Thomas – Thomas Franchise Solutions / Life Pilot
Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketstonight.ca
604 684-2787
$16.00 online / $20.00 at the door
$90.00 Pre Salon Dinner and Premiere Circle
[custom name=”address” value=”600 Hamilton Street, Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Lynn Zanatta”]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”9:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20120208″]
[custom name=”event_image” value=”http://westvancouver.com/wp-content/uploads/PS-Open-your-Mind-small-image2.jpg”]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”Vancouver Playhouse”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-657-2752″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”7:30 pm”]
[custom name=”website” value=”www.publicsalon.org”]