
West Vancouver Roads For all information and reporting related to local streets and byways, please contact the numbers below. Emergency: 604-925-7100 Non-Emergency: 604-925-7101  


West Vancouver Recycling Bluebox curbside pickup is the same day as garbage collection. Newspaper, food and beverage cans, glass bottles, plastic, pop bottles and milk containers are all acceptable. A drop off depot is located in North Vancouver (75 Riverside Dr.) that will accept a greater range of recyclables. Call 604-981-3124 for information Recycling Coordinator […]

Raffles and Ticket Sales

West Vancouver Raffles and Ticket Sales A lottery registration number is necessary if tickets are being sold on the street or as a business. Contact the West Vancouver Police 604-925-7300

Planning Department

West Vancouver Planning Economic and Physical, contact Planning, Lands and Permits 604-925-7055

North Shore Health Region

North Shore Health Region Plans, co-ordinates and oversees health services funded by the Ministry of Health. The Health Officer ensure compliance with public health laws within the Region. 604-984-3841

Noise Complaints in West Vancouver

Noise Complaints in West Vancouver Construction noise is restricted Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (*Construction noise is not allowed on Sunday or Statutory Holidays) The North Shore Health Region can assist with measuring noise levels. To submit a formal complaint, please contact the Bylaws Department […]

West Vancouver Archives

West Vancouver Museum and Archives 680 -17th Street, West Vancouver, BC Located in the historic Gertrude Lawson House, the Museum & Archives features ever changing exhibitions, public programmes, a gift shop and archives. For current exhibitions, hours of operation, school programmes or research inquiries, please contact the Museum. 604-925-7298

Marine Distress

West Vancouver Marine Distress Contact Search & Rescue – Canadian Coast Guard Emergency: 1-800-567-5111 


West Vancouver Licences Dog, business and  general licences for special events, etc. Contact Bylaw Services: 604-925-7152.