West Vancouver B-Line to Stop at Park Royal for Now

West Vancouver's controversial proposed B-Line express bus service will be stopped at Park Royal - for now

West Vancouver’s controversial proposed B-Line express bus service will be stopped at Park Royal – for now.
Coun. Peter Lambur’s motion, which was presented last week to an overflowing crowd at municipal hall, has passed with the amendment that future options “west of Park Royal” still be open for discussion.

This means that West Van Council voted in favour of NOT closing one lane each direction and NOT removing parking stalls along Ambleside and Dundarave business corridor. It is also a minor victory, for now, for the local businesses who fought so hard against it.

“I would expect this will remain at Park Royal for a while until ridership patterns change. A win – win for all if so,” says Ambleside business owner Nigel Malkin who had led the charge against the lane closures and parking space removal.

B-Line Bus Lane proposed closures in West Vancouver.

The entire B-Line issue sparked a heated debate throughout the community who felt that there had not been enough consultation with the public. Many local citizens had difficulty understanding the numbers and stats presented by TransLink who, at one point, had already begun marking up the sidewalks for reconstruction of the yet unapproved bus-only lanes.

– Editor