Worship and All That Jazz

Monthly Jazz Vespers service at St. Stephen’s, hosted by Peter Vanderhorst,featuring some of Vancouver’s finest jazz musicians.
The March 25 service features Peter and the Wolves Dixieland Menagerie with Jim Armstrong, Gerry Green. Rob McKenzie, Peter Vanderhorst. Casey Tolhurst and Arnt Arntzen.
A suggested donation of $10 will be appreciated.

[custom name=”address” value=”885 – 22nd Street, West Vancouver, BC”]
[custom name=”contact_name” value=”Peter Vanderhorst”]
[custom name=”end_time” value=”5:00 pm”]
[custom name=”event_date” value=”20120325″]
[custom name=”event_image” value=”xxx”]
[custom name=”event_location” value=”St. Stephen’s Anglican Chuirch”]
[custom name=”phone” value=”604-924-9937″]
[custom name=”start_time” value=”4:00 pm”]
[custom name=”website” value=”www.”]